Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Excuse the lack of proper captioning, past the first two titles Premiere would not display any more. Will attempt to rework the descriptions of scenes on another computer.

In addition to simple filmed scenarios I'll also attempt green-screen trickery to superimpose footage of people texting/gaming/goofing on their phones over images of eventful, memorable moments.


Breath of Life/ Day 1
Breath of Life/ Day 2
Breath of Life/ Day 3
Breath of Life/ Day 4
Breath of Life/ Day 5

PSA Storyboards
City of Boone and surrounding areas fall victim to mountaintop removal practices.
 Bicycle Awareness and Safety, demonstrated by likening bicycle accidents to automobile collisions.
Homeless and In-Need Assistance, demonstrating the minimal amount of effort on the viewers part to make a much larger impact in the recipient's life
 Raising awareness of the detached nature of people on their phones becoming oblivious to their surroundings.
(Comedy Option)

AE Tutorials


  1. The green screen trickery is a good way to show how oblivious people with poor phone etiquette are during important events.

  2. The idea of using the green screen will be a nice use of effects rather than using just straight video, and I think that it's a smart way to use the tool of the green screen.

  3. I like this direction as a comedy. I would like to see certain clips of these strange scenarios though, because at this point I can't respond to them since I don't know what they are.

  4. I think the comedy idea is strong and would be fun working on. Although the green screen is a great idea I would try to avoid using it as much as possible.

  5. I actually like the green screen concept. I think if you used video of someone texting as opposed to the still image you've got, it would look a lot stronger.

  6. I was actually hoping you'd choose the phone etiquette concept; it seems like the most feasible and could be really funny and effective if done right. I definitely think the green screening is a good way to go for comedy.

  7. Hi Nicholas

    Green Screening would be an interesting challenge. Wow, the videos you downloaded are all pixelated and low rez-- which they will be if you get them from most sharing sources. Is there a way to get high def source files-- or shoot your own--, coming off as extremely bad craft. Also some artifacting around the edges on the test. Are you shooting HD? For Green Screen, you really want to shoot High Def. Is green screening enough to show future employers motion skills? (maybe). Is there another technique you can exploit to position yourself for the job market. Conceptually, what is the point (message) you are trying to make. That we are becoming less social using social media? Is the solution just silly-- in a good way-- pointing out the obvious to the less obvious. Seems like we are missing title sequence-bumper-etc for this project, no?
